From Contractor to Fulltime

Ever trawling for news, The Verge revealed it was able to confirm a leaked internal memo sourced from Epic Games that some of their Quality Assurance (QA) contractors are being offered fulltime employment with benefits. As QA isn’t necessary a project specific position, this seems to make sense.

As is the case these days, headlines and social media posts about this would have readers forgiven for thinking the offer was more broadly applied. It wasn’t. Consequently, to the same volken pushing for unionisation and the effective and unironic anti-capitalist, pro-socialist convergence of the games industry, this move wasn’t enough, the same vocal Twitterati want more, demanding in effect, corporatisation of their work lives, seemingly oblivious of the obvious stick-it-to-the-man-by-making-him-pay-more-to-own-me contradictions this presents.

It seems the freedom and responsibility of self-employment is too much for some despite their vociferous oft’ angry and not-really-because-it-works-for-me ill-informed politics.

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